Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Tressel Sidesteps it all...

One of the more curious events of the week was yet another indictment of the college football bowl selection system. Jim Tressel chose not to vote in the final coaches' poll, an event that will long be remembered in Ann Arbor.

Tressel tried to spin this as not wanting to make a biased decision to affect who his Ohio State Buckeyes would face in the BCS Championship game. But the truth is, every coach has biases. That is the major flaw of this poll from start to finish!

Not to mention coaches like Joe Paterno who have graduate assistants fill out their vote. But I digress.

At the beginning of the year, he took on the responsibility of voting in the Coaches Poll, and he didn't fulfill his responsibility. What kind of a message does that set for his players? Tressel's decision was cowardly, and it set a horrible example for his team.

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